Since 1931 Davies Pumps have been producing the finest pumping equipment for home, farm and industry right here in New Zealand. Davies Pumps bring together a diverse range of surface pumps, to suit all applications from light domestic house pumps to large agricultural and industrial pump systems, and a complete range of submersible pumps to suit all applications from ponds and water features to storm water and effluent.

Davies Pumps UV Series
These Davies Pumps UV vortex series is a range of submersible sump pumps used for empyting sumps, cow shed wash down sumps, back yard drainage, sewage and effulent transfer and many other grey water applications. These pumps can pass up to 37mm soft solids. Available in single or three phase options all fitted with a float. We have UV30, UV50 and UV100 available off shelf.

Davies Pumps KP Series
The Davies Pumps KP series are high volume low head pumps ideal for use on milk plate coolers or anywhere were they may require to move a lot of liquid at a low pressure.

Davies Pumps MVI Series
The Davies Pumps MVI Series are non self priming vertical multistage pumps manufactured in 304 stainless steel. MVI pumps have impellers giving a very high pressure and high flow rate, all coupled to a 3kW three phase motor. These pumps are ideal for farm supply where hills are involved and as boiler feed pumps.

Davies Pumps CN Series
Commonly used as farm wash down pumps and machinery wash down bays. CN pumps can also be used for other high pressure and volume water supply requirements for farm, industrial and commercial applications. Cast iron construction and continuous duty. We stock CN32, CN40 and CN50 options off the shelf.

Davies Pumps DRS Series
The Davies Pumps DRS series are bore hole pumps with a 304 stainless steel> Single or threee phase motors are available for the wet end. Cable and box also available.